Sunday, September 23, 2018

Starting my first carnivorous bog garden

🌱I am starting my first carnivorous bog garden which will include Venus Fly Traps (VFT's), Sarracenia and a Sundew or two. These plants love to sit in water (rainwater, reverse osmosis or distilled water only). No tap water! It'll kill your carnivorous plants.  

🌱This is just the start of my bog garden. Right now I'm using a plastic drip tray (until my deeper big dish arrives) which holds 1-2" distilled water. The drip tray sits in a small terrarium I found in a reptile store with a screen lid to keep the insects from escaping.  Once the insects are gone I open the lid to allow for more. Above I have a Full Spectrum LED grow light I'm using for 11 hours daily now and will cut back to 10 hours daily in mid October and then to 9 hours daily by late November as they prepare to go dormant for the Winter.


American Hooded Pitcher plant (Sarracenia Minor) have hoods over the openings to their pitchers. The back of the pitchers are almost translucent. So when insects enter they are tricked by light entering the back of the pitcher so simply cannot find their way out and end up on the menu. 


Venus Fly Trap (Dionaea Muscipula) traps their food. The insect is attracted by sweet nectar. When the unfortunate insect triggers sensitive hairs inside the trap, it snaps shut. The more the insect struggles, the tighter it seals shut. The insect is dissolved and digested. 



September 25th, 2018

🌱Woo hoo! My American Pitcher hybrid arrived today and it's beautiful....and tall! Thank you California Carnivores! Go to:

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