Monday, September 24, 2018

Caring for my Venus Fly Traps and Serracenia Minor plants

🌱My VFT's (Dionaea Muscipula) and American Hooded Pitcher (Sarracenia Minor) love wet feet.   They are thriving when kept in 1-2" of water (distilled, rainwater or reverse osmosis only).  No tap'll kill your plants.  My individual pots have holes in the bottom.  Mine are plastic but have read that glazed pots, wood pots also work well.  Avoid unglazed, terracotta cotta and metal containers. 

My makeshift container for bog garden.  I simply used a plastic drip tray. 

🌱Soil:  My VFT's and American Hooded Pitcher are thriving in nutrient poor soil (combo of peat moss, sand, perlite, sphagnum moss).   I would suggest purchasing bags premix soil specific to your plant available at or at

🌱Light:  My VFT's and American Hooded Pitcher like full sun.  Since I live in an arid environment with an unusually hot summer this year and the only outside space I have is west facing, I'm keeping mine indoors for now in a bog garden in a terrarium with LED grow lights.

🦗Feeding:  Okay, I'll admit it's fun to feed my plants.  If your plants are outside,  they'll fend for themselves just fine.  Actually my American Hooded Pitcher caught their own food indoors (sugar ants).  These tiny ants are too small for my VFT's so I'm feeding them with Betta fish pellets and added some live pinhead crickets to the atrium.  Noticed more closed traps the next day so assume they enjoyed the crickets.  

➡️Fun Fact:  each individual trap on a VFT are good for 3 to 4 catches after which it'll turn black and dieSo it's not a good idea to trigger the traps unnecessarily as it stresses the plant

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