Saturday, September 22, 2018

Beautiful killer plants. I've caught the bug!

🌱It's quite ironic that carnivorous plants (CP's) are also strangely beautiful and some are quite ornate.  This is actually my second round with keeping these plants.  Many years ago I picked up a few Venus Fly Traps at a novelty store and of course the poor things eventually died..maybe due to the fact that I planted it in potting soil and watered it with tap water.  That was in the early 90's and there wasn't alot of info out there about proper maintenance of CP's.

🌱Truth be told I am definitely not a master gardener so was apprehensive about trying again.  But encouraged by modest success with my Plumeria and other various plants, I figured to give it another try.  This time I read up first (highly recommended) and educated myself regarding the specific needs of CP's.  I purchased my first Venus Fly Trap and was hooked.  My 27 y/o son Will suggested a pitcher plant.  As they are more costly, I hesitated but took the leap and purchased a young Tropical Pitcher (Nepenthes Ventricosa) and yes, I love it!  Thank you Predatory Plants.  Go to:

Nepenthes Ventricosa (highland) from the Philippines 

🌱 🐜 πŸ¦— πŸ•· 🌱

I'm keeping this blog to log my successes (and failures) and pass along what has worked and what hasn't. I'll post new pics as my bog garden takes shape.  


Here are some resources I've found helpful:

For books, Kindle, etc

πŸ“–:  The Savage Garden by Peter D'Amato available on Amazon or at California Carnivores website at

For plants, supplies and expert advice:

For informative websites, blogs, etc:

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