Saturday, October 20, 2018

Wrapping my head around lighting

I'm a reasonably intelligent person, yet I really struggled to understand all the technicalities involved in providing proper lighting for my indoor Nepenthes.  There are fluorescent grow lights, LED grow lights, multi-spectrum lights, full spectrum lights, etc.  Each one has different watts.  Then what are lumens? K's?  It's all so confusing.  I ended up with three different small lights trying to stay withing budget.  However afterwards, I started asking questions of those with ample experience with CP's and then I read up. I realized even in my large east facing window,  my CP's need more light than they are getting.  Best advice I got was to look for T5 lighting. Would have served me well to read up before buying inadequate grow lights. Lesson learned.  I'm sure I'll find use for my little lights. 

Next issue...T5 lights range in cost up to $300 and all I found are designed to hang above the plants.. not the easiest thing when you live in a small apartment.  I finally settled on T5 LED full spectrum 2ft long hanging light for $35.99 through Amazon at: (Yes, I read the reviews.  They are good with 4.5 stars) 

The smaller length T5 light is perfect for my tight space. But then I needed a stand which ranged $35-$65.  Upon closer look I realized they were simply PVC. Then I had a lightbulb moment💡.  So off I went to Home Depot with my measurements.  The nice guy in plumbing hooked me up with enough 1/2" PVC piping, 2 elbows, 2 T connectors, 4 end caps, one coupler all for under $10.  Bam!
It took me under 30 minutes to measure, cut (with hand saw) and construct my stand (2 feet tall and 28 inches long).  It's quite sturdy and I made it myself. 💪  
My new T5 light arrives in 2 days (Thank you Amazon).  Meanwhile one of my smaller lights is standing in...a little sad, but you get the idea. (See pic below).

Keep scrolling down......  

It's a small accomplishment and always fun learning something new about keeping my CPs. It's amazing what I'll do so my Nepenthes will grow up into happy healthy big plants with beautiful pitchers.  Already I'm wondering how I'll house them once they get bigger and need repotting...plant stands? hanging planters? A bigger kitchen?  Ha!  

🌱 I'll post new picture once new T5 light arrives.  


Here it is.... 

➡️ Here's the take away:  research, ask the experts, read, read read first before making your purchase.  

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