Wednesday, May 1, 2019

New Nepenthes plants!

New Nepenthes plants  (4.25.2019)

Nepenthes Gymnamphora 

🌱Nepenthes Gymnamphora (Highland) is native to Java and Sumatra. It grows at elevations of 2,000–9,200 ft. This is the purple form from Gunung Talakmau in Sumatra. They are large, 6-8" across. Purchased at


Nepenthes Ventricosa x Mira 

I won this sweet little plant on an online auction at to benefit Meadowview Biological Research Station who's goal is to "preserve and restore a part of our natural bog heritage by returning the endangered Yellow Pitcher Plant, Sarracenia flava, and the Purple Pitcher Plant, Sarracenia purpurea, to their historic ranges in Virginia and Maryland".  For more information please check out

🌱Nepenthes Ventricosa x Mira (Highland) N. Ventricosa is endemic to The Philippines 3,200-6,500 ft elevation on islands of Luzan, Panay and Sibuyan. It grows numerous pitchers some measuring up to 8 inches tall with colors ranging from ivory white to red. N. Ventricosa is easy to grow, is very forgiving so is a great choice for someone new to Nepenthes plants.  N. Mira is a highland pitcher plant endemic to Palawan in the Philippines. It grows at elevations of 5085–5265 feet above sea level and is known for it's wide mouth pitchers. It's listed as Vunerable by the IUCN. 

This hybrid is really stunning known to produce large, colorful pitchers. Purchased at 

