Sunday, March 31, 2019

More Sarracenias are flipping their lids (3.29.2019)

Spring is here!

Sarracenia Alata Red 


Sarracenia Mystery Pitcher plant 


Sarracenia Flava 

Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Great resources

Here are some great resources for people affected by CPA (Carnivorous Plant Addiction).  

Websites for purchasing CPs

Bergen Water Gardens:                     Very good selection of all types of CPs. Fast shipping. East Coast 

California Carnivores:            Very good selection of all types of CPs. Fast shipping. West Coast 

Predatory Plants:                    Very good selection of all types of CPs.  Fast shipping.  West Coast 

FlyTrapStore                Venus Fly Traps (Dionaea) of every imaginable kind. 

Other good resources for care of CPs:


Carnivorous Plant Resource:

Carnivorous Plant Nurseries:

Carnivore Girl:


Savage Garden by Peter D'amato Available through Amazon and at California Carnivores at 

Sarracenias are waking up! (3.27.2019)

Spring is here!

First Sarracenia Pitcher to pitch after three months of dormancy. And the winner is........Sarracenia Flava.  The lid is not unfurled yet but will soon be so.  

.....two days later

Let the bug catching begin....

New additions to my Nepenthes garden

🌱Here are two more Nepenthes (Tropical Pitcher plants)🌱

Nepenthes Sibuyanensis x Hamata

🌱Nepenthes hybrid Sibuyanensis x Hamata (Highland) N. Sibuyanensis is endemic to Mount Guiting-Guiting, Sibuyan Island in The Philippines. Found appox 3,900-5,000 ft. It is listed as Vunerable by IUCN.       N. Hamata is endemic to Sulawesi, where it grows at elevations of 4,600–8,200 feet. They are known for their toothy peristomes. It is listed as Vunerable by IUCN.  Purchased at:


Nepenthes Burbidgeae x Aristolochioides 

🌱Nepenthes Burbidgeae x Aristolochioides (Highland) N. Burbidgeae is slow growing that's notable for its massive and colorful ovate pitchers. Upper and lower pitchers mainly differ in size. The peristome is striped and the lids are whitish with green and red dots. A small pair of wings runs down the front of each pitcher. The stem of N. Burbidgeae named in honor of the first collector (F. W. Burbidge), reaches a length of 15 meters. The habitat consists of mossy places on the tops of steep ridges with a patchy distribution around Mount Kinabalu and neighbouring Mount Tambuyukon in Sabah, Borneo at elevation of 3,900 - 5,900 feet. N. Burbidgeae was discovered in 1858 on Mount Kinabalu (Borneo) and described in 1882 by J. D. Hooker. Although this plant is a highland species, it prefers slightly very warmer temperatures and slightly shady growing conditions. It is listed as Endangered by the IUCN. N. Aristolochioides is endemic to Sumatra, where it grows at elevations of 5,900–8,200 feet above sea level. It has an extremely unusual pitcher morphology, having a nearly vertical opening to its traps. It is listed as critically endangered in the wild due to over collection. Purchased at:


Thursday, March 21, 2019

Mini bog gardens repotted

Yesterday was the first day of Spring so I decided to repot both of my mini bog gardens this week. My Sarracenia rhizomes are starting to grow. Should be a good growing season this year. 

Monday, March 18, 2019

A few more Nepenthes plants!

A few more Nepenthes plants.. they're like potato purchase one and next thing you know you have a dozen...or more.

N. Robcantleyi x Fusca 

🌱 Nepenthes hybrid: Robcantleyi x Fusca (Highland) Robcantleyi aka Robert Cantley is endemic to island of Mindanao, Philippines at approx 5,900 ft. Fusca or dusky pitcher plant is endemic to Borneo found in a wide altitudinal range. N. Fusca is listed as Vunerable by IUCN. Purchased at


Nepenthes Spathulata

🌱 Nepenthes Spathulata is native to Java and Sumatra, where it grows at elevations of between 3,600 and 9,500 feet above sea level.  It is listed as Vunerable by IUCN. Purchased at 

Friday, March 15, 2019

Waiting for lids to lift

A watched pot never boils and a watched lid never lifts. 

Nepenthes Burkei's new pitcher not quite ready to pitch, but getting there.  It's going to be a pretty one. Purchased last year at


My Nepenthes Ventricosa is growing like crazy and this new big fat pitcher is ready to pitch any time now. Purchased last year at                

(check out my photobombing cat Sam)

New Nepenthes arrived!

New Nepenthes hybrids arrived safely yesterday!

This hybrid N.(Densiflora x Spectabilis) x Aristolochioides has cute little tubby pitchers

🌱 Nepenthes hybrid: (Densiflora x Spectabilis "Giant") x Aristolochioides. (Highland) N. Densiflora is endemic to Sumatra, where it grows at an altitude of between 5,500 and 10,500 feet above sea level. N. Spectabilis is endemic to Sumatra, where it grows at elevations of between 4,500 and 7,200 feet above sea level. N. Aristolochioides is endemic to Sumatra, where it grows at elevations of 5,900–8,200 feet above sea level. It has an extremely unusual pitcher morphology, having a nearly vertical opening to its traps. It is critically endangered in the wild due to over collection. Purchased at


Hybrid N.(Ventricosa x Sibuyanensis) x (Talangensis x Aristolochioides) is now my tiniest Nepenthes.....but not for long. 

🌱 Nepenthes hybrid: (Ventricosa x Sibuyanensis) x (Talangensis x Aristolochioides) (Highland) 

N.Ventricosa is endemic to The Philippines 3,200-6,500 ft elevation on islands of Luzan, Panay and Sibuyan, N. Sibuyanensis is endemic to Mount Guiting-Guiting, Sibuyan Island in The Philippines. Found appox 3,900-5'000 ft. It is listed as Vunerable by IUCN. N. Talangensis is endemic to Sumatra at 5,900- 8,200 ft, also endemic to Mt. Talang. 
N. Aristolochioides is endemic to Sumatra, 
where it grows at elevations of 5,900–8,200 feet above sea level. It has an extremely unusual pitcher morphology, having a nearly vertical opening to its traps. It is listed as critically endangered in the wild due to over collection. Purchased at